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Upgrading MultiDoge

New versions of MultiDoge are released containing bug fixes and new features every so often. We recommend you keep your version of MultiDoge up-to-date.

This guide tells you how upgrade to a newer version. It is assumed that you have reviewed the Getting Started guide and know where all your wallet files are.

Step 1 - Locate your wallet files

If you have a standard installation (i.e. you followed our installation notes) upgrading MultiDoge should be a seamless process. Your wallet and configuration files will not be in the same directory as the MultiDoge application.

Note: You can create new wallets in any directory however we recommend you store your wallets and configuration files separate from the installation directory.

You can always see the file location of your current wallet in the main title bar of your MultiDoge window. For instance, it might say: "MultiDoge - My wallet - /Users/jim/Library/Application Support/MultiDoge/multidoge.wallet". The file name at the end is where your wallet is stored.

Step 2 (optional) - Move your wallets

If you have stored your wallets in the MultiDoge installation directory (this is not recommended) and want to move the wallets out of this directory then please review the Moving A Wallet article.

Step 3 - Run the installer/ Mac DMG file

Download the installer from the official MultiDoge site.

Follow the standard installation instructions for your computer.

Step 4 - (Windows and Linux only) Run the old version's uninstaller

Once you are happy with the new version of MultiDoge there is a uninstaller shortcut provided so that you can uninstall the older version of MultiDoge.

This is not required on Mac OS X since is simply overwritten.


That's all there is to it. MultiDoge will alert you if there is a problem and the main help contents provide answers to many common questions.

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