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Lost or forgotten password
What is the symptom ?
You're certain you typed in your password correctly, but MultiDoge is not unlocking your wallet.
What can you do about it ?
MultiDoge does not change passwords to encrypted wallets without your knowledge. There are several possibilities to explore:
- Make sure that you are using the most recent password you know.
- Try combinations - change one character at a time to upper- or lowercase, swap characters, add a ! to the end and so on
- Examine the rolling wallet backups, and apply the same process.
- Examine the automatic private key exports - these are encrypted with your wallet password when they are generated
As a last resort go to a quiet room and relax. Think about where you might have put a copy of the password. Perhaps one of the following:
- Hidden file somewhere?
- USB drive?
- Encrypted copy held on LastPass or KeyPass? You should be using a secure password generator with 14 or more random characters.
- Accidental copy on a local backup service like Time Machine or rsync?
- An intentional encrypted copy on Dropbox or GDrive?
- Maybe you wrote it down and put it in a book, or an old drawer?
- Does a trusted friend or relative have a copy?
If you have really, truly lost or forgotten your password and you only have encrypted wallets, then it is likely that you have lost access to your dogecoin. There is
absolutely no way that the MultiDoge team can possibly recover them.
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