You can often diagnose a problem with MultiDoge by looking at the Messages window by selecting the 'View |
menu option.
For a more detailed description of what has happened with MultiDoge there is a log file to look at. This is stored in the 'log' directory in your user data directory and is called 'multidoge.log'. Use a simple text viewer like Notepad or TextEdit to read it.
MultiDoge stores user specific data such as logs and the default multidoge.wallet in a "user data directory". This directory can be worked out as follows:
This section is for technical users proficient with accessing environment variables. These are enclosed in "[]" such that [APPDATA] references the APPDATA environment variable.
Try one of the following locations, remembering that you may need to enable hidden directories
. Windows (7,8): C:\Documents and Settings\jim\AppData\Roaming\MultiDoge
. Windows (XP and below): C:\Documents and Settings\jim\Application Data\MultiDoge
In OSX the user Library directory is normally hidden. Follow the show hidden files instructions to reveal it in the Finder.
[user.home]/Library/Application Support/MultiDoge
. OSX 10.5+: /Users/jim/Library/Application Support/MultiDoge
In Linux the user home directory is normally visible.
. Ubuntu/Debian: /home/jim/MultiDoge
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